You can add your website directly on the final share screen in the caption of your post. Once shared to social media, the link will become clickable in the caption text.
On mobile, you can add your website on the "Create A Post" step by tapping the 3 dots above your keyboard, then "Create post from a webpage." The website URL will then show up in the caption of your post. Once shared to social media, the link in the caption can be clicked to launch your website.
Tip: If you start with a link (no text or photos) in the "Create A Post" screen on mobile we will grab metadata from your website to pre-load the "Create A Post" screen with some photos and/or text to save you even more time. You can update the primary or body text as needed before you share your post.
Please note: the feature is only available in the mobile version of Ripl at this time. We are working to get this enabled in the desktop version in the future as well.